Staff Directory
Ivonne Durant Ed.D Superintendent
Travis Jarrell Assistant Principal | Emergency Management Coordinator
Coy Gonzalez School Secretary, PEIMS Clerk
Marcus Celaya Business Manager, Records Management Officer, Districtwide Reporting and Submissions Manager
Melissa Barlow Pre-K, Kindergarten
Pam Hernandez 1st and 2nd Grade
Monica Pinedo 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Math and Science
Sandra Hansen 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade English and Social Studies
Chelo Salmon Teacher's Aide and Breakfast Coordinator
Gracie Galindo Special Education Elementary, Middle, and High School
Junior and Senior High School
Neal Novosad Career Technology
Crawford Hunt 8th Grade US History, 11th and 12th Grade Government, 6th and 7th Grade Texas History, History Fair
Clayton Wickham 6th Grade ELAR, 6th and 7th Grade Tech Apps, 10th Grade US History, 12th Grade ELAR
Bret Green D.D.S. Junior and Senior High School Math
Jacob Garcia Coach and Special Education
Jasmine Garcia P.E. Teacher and Coach
Travis Jarrell Junior and Senior High School Science Teacher | Emergency Management Coordinator | Assistant Principal
Micaela Aguilar Junior and Senior High School Social Studies
Custodial and Maintenance
Eneredia Limon Custodian
Pete Martinez Facilities and Transportation