Procurement, Request for proposals/bids, district Sales, Vendors

Request for Proposals

Marathon ISD Safety and Security                  RFB Specifications & Submission Timelines (Link)

Security Fencing RFB No. 2024-1

Marathon ISD is soliciting bids for a contractor/company to install new fencing, remove and replace existing fencing, and install gates at locations needed. The new fencing is needed for the safety and security of the students and staff members. Please see link above of the specifications and submission timelines for this project. 

Marathon ISD Safety and Security                              RFP Specifications & Submission Timelines (Link)

Door for CTE Building RFP No. 2024-2

Marathon ISD is soliciting proposals for a contractor/company to build and install a door within the frame of the CTE building to protect our students from outside intruders. Also, to have two fume extracting fans to be installed to draw out welding fumes. Respondents will provide the labor, and the District will provide the materials. 

Marathon ISD Employee Housing RFP No. 2024-1 RFP Specifications & Submission Timelines (Link)

Marathon ISD is soliciting proposals for the purchase of 2 (two) modular homes to be set on property already owned by Marathon Independent School District. The base bid of this request for proposal shall be for the purchase, delivery and setting of 2 (two) modular homes. The alternates to this bid include an option for steel roofing of said structures, preparation of pad sites for said structures, extension of electrical infrastructure, extension of water and sewer infrastructure, gross site work to level, fill and grade property, and the creation of an improved driving surface for ingress and egress of both sites. 

Questions and Answers for Employee Housing RFP No. 2024-1(Link)    

Fencing Renovations - ReBid                           RFP Specifications & Submission Timelines (Link)

Marathon Independent School District is soliciting competitive sealed proposals for the Fencing Renovations RE-BID project. For proposal information please contact Richard Schwope, 432-362-6565/ or documents may be downloaded from JSA Architects, Inc. website at Proposals are to be submitted to JSA Architects, Inc., 415 N. Jackson Ave., Odessa, Texas, or via email to Richard Schwope at, before 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. 

MISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age and disability in employment or the provision of services. The successful proposer(s) will be required to enter into a general contract with Marathon Independent School District.

Faxed proposals from proposers will not be accepted.

Marathon Independent School District RFP Specifications & Submission Timelines (Link)

Request for Proposal No. 423-01

Silent Panic Alert System

Marathon ISD is soliciting proposals for a Silent Panic Alert System.  MISD is a single campus district with multiple instructional buildings. The silent panic alert technology is defined as a silent system signal generated by the activation of a device, either manually or through software applications, intended to signal a life-threatening or emergency situation (such as an active shooter, intruder, or other emergency situation) requiring a response from law enforcement and/or other first responders. 


Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 18, 2023. Proposals will be presented to the Board of Trustees during a regularly scheduled meeting, to be held on May 24, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., at 109 N. 5th Street, Marathon, TX 79842.